Table of Contents

Patron Policies

Collection Policies

General Policies

Behavior Policy

The Board of Trustees is responsible for determining the rules of behavior necessary to protect the rights of individuals to use library materials and services, to protect the rights of library employees to conduct library business without interference and to preserve library materials and facilities. The Murphysboro Police will be called when the rights of library staff or patrons are violated. The law gives the Board of Trustees the right “to exclude from the use of the library any person who willfully violates the rules prescribed by the Board.”

The Board of Trustees believe that library patrons have the right to use library materials and services without being disturbed or impeded by other users; that library patrons and employees have the right to an environment that is secure and comfortable; and the library patrons and employees have a right to materials and facilities that are available and in good condition.

The theft, vandalism or mutilation of library property is a violation of Article 16B of the Illinois Library Law. Depending on the value of the material or property, violations of the Article are considered a Class A misdemeanor or a Class 3 felony. All acts of vandalism will be reported to the Murphysboro Police Department and charges will be filed.

Violation of federal, state or local ordinances on library property will be prosecuted.

A. The rules of behavior in the library are listed below, along with the action that will be taken if these rules are violated. In cases in which it is deemed necessary, the Murphysboro Police Department will be called for assistance.

1. Any misconduct that disturbs library users or staff, or that hinders others from using the library or library materials is prohibited.

In the case of minor disruption, the patron receives two warnings; at the third offense, the patron must leave the building for the remainder of the day. Examples of minor disturbances are:

**Conversation or sounds that are above an acceptable noise level or is disturbing to other patrons or library staff

**Cell phone use in the library. All cell phones must be muted upon entrance into the library and all conversations must be held outside the building.

**Playing personal music devices or sounds from laptops/PCs at levels audible to others

**Running in the library

**Loud or boisterous behavior

2. In the case of disturbances that, in the judgment of the library staff, are extreme the offender may receive only one warning or may be ordered to leave the building immediately for the remainder of the day. Examples of extreme behavior are:

**Harassing others, either verbally or through actions. Harassment may include initiating unwanted conversations with other library users or staff, impeding access to the building or an area of the building.

**Use of tobacco products is prohibited in the library.

**Drinking is prohibited at library computers and in the stacks. Securely covered, nonalcoholic drinks are permitted at study tables and lounge chairs only. Spills are to be cleaned up immediately by the patron and staff must be notified of messes that require further attention. All litter shall be disposed of in appropriate trash or recycling receptacles.

**Eating is prohibited in the library. Exceptions include Staff areas, approved groups meeting in the Logan Room, and events sponsored by the Library or Friends of the Library.

**Sleeping is prohibited. The patron will be awakened to ensure that he or she is not ill and notified that sleeping is prohibited.

**Selling for profit or solicitation for charitable purposes is prohibited on library property.

**Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times.

**Animals, except aide animals for the handicapped, are not permitted in the library.

**Distribution of leaflets on library property is prohibited. Taking surveys, asking patrons to sign petitions or similar activities are prohibited. Community organizations may submit literature to the library director for approval and display in a designated area.

B. Children under the age of ten years of age may not be left unattended in the library. They must be under the direct supervision of a parent or other adult in the library.

In the case of disturbances in the library by children, the child will be taken to the adult and the adult will be warned to supervise the child. Two warnings will be given. On the third offense, the adult must take the child from the building for the remainder of the day. If no adult is present in the building the parent will be contacted and instructed to come to the library immediately.

The library staff is not responsible for children left at the library at closing. In the event that a child has not been picked up at the close of business the staff will:

1. Try to contact the parent or guardian by phone
2. If unsuccessful the library staff will call the Murphysboro Police Department and the supervision of the child will be turned over to the Police.

C. The library reserves the right to limit the number of people who may sit together. There is a limit of four persons to a table, one person to a study carrel and one person to a chair. There is a limit to one person per computer.

D. The library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended.
Patrons may not leave personal belongings in the library when they leave for lunch, shopping, etc.

E. The library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases,
packs, etc. for library material. Employees may inspect bags and cases at any time a patron is suspected of concealing library materials for the purpose of stealing or mutilating the material. Anyone found stealing or mutilating library property will be prosecuted.

F. Patrons who cause repeated disturbances in the library will have their
Privileges revoked or restricted.

Adults: Adult patrons who have caused repeated disruptions in the library will be warned that their library privileges will be revoked and they will not be allowed to enter the building if the behavior continues. If these patrons continue to cause disturbances, they will be banned from all library property for one month. If, when their library privileges are reinstated, the disturbance continues, the library will take legal action to bar the individual from library property for a period to be determined by the library,

Minors: Children who have caused repeated disruption in the library will be warned that their library privileges will be restricted if the behavior continues and a letter will be sent to their parents or guardians describing the problems and warning them of the consequences. Minor children who become a continuing disturbance in the library will not be permitted to use the library unless a parent or guardian accompanies the child to the library and supervises the child while in the library. The first time the child’s library privileges are restricted it will be for a period of three months. If disruptive the behavior continues the second restriction will be for one year.

Adopted Nov. 4, 1999
Revised July 7, 2005
Revised August 1, 2019


Bike Lock Policy

The Sallie Logan Public Library (SALP) has bike locks available for patrons to secure bicycles to bike racks on the North side of the library.

  • A bike lock and key may be checked out daily to SALP patrons for the duration of their library visit and must be returned to the circulation desk at least 15 minutes before closing on the SAME DAY. Do not return locks/keys in the book drop.
  • Patron must present library card at time of checkout.
  • If the lock and key are not returned by closing time or if the lock and/or the key is lost, the borrower will be charged $20.
  • If the key is lost, the bike will not be unlocked and library borrowing privileges will be suspended until the charge is paid.
  • Regardless of whether a library lock was used, the Sallie Logan Public Library is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen bikes.
  • Locks and keys are available on a first come, first served basis.

Approved by the Sallie Logan Public Library Board of Trustees 7/6/17


Gifts to the Library

General–The Sallie Logan Public Library is grateful for gifts, and its collection has been enriched by donations of materials as well as contributions. Through donors, the Library has been able to acquire materials which could not have been purchased otherwise. The library staff can supply, upon request, a list of needed materials for consideration by the donor.

Donation of Books and Audio Visual Materials–In accepting a gift of materials, the Library reserves the privilege of deciding whether items donated should be added to the collection.

Gift Book Program–The Library welcomes monetary contributions specifically for book purchases in memorial to or in honor of named individuals. In order that the Library can properly honor the generosity, a special form to record the information is used and should be completed.

Donation of Art Objects and Other Types of Materials–Although such gifts are usually welcomed and valued, final decision on their acceptance rests withe Library Director and the Board of Library Trustees.

Donations–Others, e.g. Monetary–The Library welcomes cash contributions, gifts of real property, stock, and bonds. It is our custom to expend cash gifts on materials, equipment, or a project which is acceptable to the donor. Although it is unlikely, there may be an occasion in which the restrictions set by the donor make it impossible for the library to accept the contribution. All donations are subject to the approval of the Library Director with the backing of the Board of Library Trustees.

Recognition of Gifts–For memorial books to the library, the library may place within the book, the name of the donor, if desired.

Use of Gifts–All gifts are accepted with the understanding that it may someday be necessary that they be sold or disposed of in the best interest of the Library. The Library cannot commit itself to perpetually housing a donation.

Income Tax Statements–The Library cannot appraise the value of a donation of materials or art. It will, however, issue the donor a letter acknowledging the donation. It is the donor’s decision whether he or she will determine the value of the donation or utilize an independent appraiser.

Restriction–No donation can be accepted unless it is given to the Library without restrictions, unless the Board of Library Trustees has specifically adopted an agreement to do so. All gifts may be used, sold, or disposed of in the best interest of the Library.

Form–A Gift Agreement Form must be signed by the donor and approved by the Library Director and the Board of Library Trustees for restricted gifts.


How to get a Library Card

Proof of identity and residence required.  You must provide one from each list below.  Photo ID must be an original document.  Proof of residence may be in print or electronic format.

Photo ID                   Residence

Driver's License Current Bill or Official Document (no junk mail or anything addressed to "current resident")
State ID Current Bank Statement
Workplace ID Current Lease Contract
School ID Current Automobile Registration
Military ID

• Persons who reside or own property within the corporate city limits of Murphysboro are eligible for a library card at no additional charge. A photo ID and a current bill or other official document that shows the current street address of the applicant must be presented at the time of application.  The bill or official document may be electronic or printed.  Examples include but are not limited to, current bank statement, current lease contract, and current automobile registration.

• Non-resident property owners must present a current tax bill. Proof of ownership is required yearly. Library cards may be used throughout the library system.

• Persons residing outside the corporate city limits may purchase a card for $100 per year. Illinois State Law requires that citizens who live outside a library support area pay a fee equivalent to the local tax levy for library support if they wish to obtain a library card. The library is funded by a levy on real estate within the corporate city limits of Murphysboro.

• Children may apply for a card at age five. A parent's signature and proof of address is required for children ages five through eighteen. Parents are responsible for all charges accrued on their children's cards.

New Patrons
For the first 60 days, while a new account is being established, new patrons are limited to 5 items checked out at a time  and are limited to using only the Sallie Logan Public Library.

• At the end of 60 days patrons may check out up to 50 items, place 20 holds, and use any library in the Illinois Heartland Library System.

• If you are a patron of another library, reciprocal borrowing privileges are available. Non-Sallie Logan cardholders are limited to 5 checkouts per card.

• Internet access is available for a fee of $3 for 30 minutes.

• Lost cards are replaced at a cost of $3.

• Library cards will not be issued to applicants who owe fines or fees at another library or if another person at the same address has fines or fees.

Revised by the Board of Trustees 12/2/04, 6/1/06, 5/7/09, 6/3/10, 3/2/17


Sallie Logan Public Library Internet Acceptable Use Policy


Sallie Logan Public Library is committed to providing access to informational, educational,
recreational, and cultural resources to all people regardless of age or background. By providing
access to the internet, Sallie Logan Public Library is able to integrate electronic resources from
around the Earth to supplement the other resources the library offers. Consistent with the
mission of Sallie Logan Public Library and professional principles of public librarianship, this
computer and acceptable use policy affirms the safeguarding of First Amendment rights,
intellectual freedom, equity of access, and confidentiality of information about users and their
use of information resources. All users are required to comply with the rules of this policy in the
same responsible and courteous manner that is expected for all Library materials, services, and
This policy applies to all use of Sallie Logan Public Library’s wired or wireless Internet services,
whether privately-owned or Library provided devices. The use of any internet workstation and
the wireless network in the Library constitutes an acceptance of this policy. Patrons reaffirm this
agreement each time they access the internet in the library.
-to access the internet on a library workstation, users will be required to enter their Sallie Logan
Public Library card number and PIN number.
-Patrons who do not have a Sallie Logan Public Library card or who are cardholders of another
library can request a Guest pass. Guest passes are limited to 30 minutes. Guest passes are not
available to individuals who owe fines or fees to Sallie Logan Public Library.
-All patrons will be charged for printing costs. Patrons may bring flash drives to download
-Access to the internet is limited to 120 minutes per day. Sessions may be extended if there is
no other patrons waiting to access the computers.
-The use of internet workstations is on a first come, first serve basis.
-Users will be responsible for the costs of repairing or replacing any equipment or software
damaged by the patron.
-Internet filters are Child Internet Protection Act compliant. Attempting to circumvent filters to
access blocked sites will result in user privileges being revoked.
-Library computers and the internet must be used responsibly, consistent with the Library’s
Patron Behavior Policy. All users must be respectful to other patrons and library equipment.
-Any activity which violates Federal, State, or local laws is prohibited on Library computers and
-Users shall not use Library computers and internet networks to engage in hacking of other
computers or fraudulent conduct. This includes, but is not limited to: disguising or falsifying
sources of electronic mail and other electronic communications with the intent of misleading,
defrauding, or harassing others.
-Users shall not use Library computers and internet networks to display or distribute
pornography or other vulgar, illegal, and obscene materials.
-Users shall not use Library computers or internet networks to distribute libelous and/or
slanderous materials.
-No food or open beverages are allowed near the computers.
-Users may not modify Library hardware or software, change configurations, or attempt to
access non-public files or accounts using Library workstations of the wireless network. Users
may not attempt to intercept, monitor, disrupt, or impede other users’ communications on the
wireless network or to access or alter other users’ data or software.
-Users may not use personal software, download or install software or executable files, or
bookmark sites on Library workstations. No personal documents or files may be saved to the
desktop or drive of any Library computer.
-Users may not violate software license agreements or infringe on copyrighted material. United
States Copyright Law prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted
materials expect as permitted by the principle of “fair use.” Users are responsible for any
consequences of copyright infringement.
-Sallie Logan Public Library is committed to providing an environment free from sexual
harassment. Internet users should refrain from displaying material which may be interpreted as
hostile, intimidating, or threatening. Internet users should not attempt to show displayed material
to other patrons.
-Internet users should not violate the privacy of other users.
Any individual who does not fulfill the responsibilities of the internet acceptable use policy is
considered in violation of the Library’s Patron Behavior policy. The users’ internet access and
use of other library resources may be suspended for a specific time period, according to state
law and library policy. A suspension letter will be sent to the offender, or, for children 15 years
and younger, to parents or guardians.
Library staff will not be responsible for monitoring a user’s internet use. The user of internet or,
the parent/guardian of a minor, is responsible for their own internet session at all times. Library
staff will, however, monitor the length of user session in order to ensure equal opportunity for
The Library affirms the right and responsibility of parents/guardians to monitor their minor
(people under the age of 18) children’s use of the internet. Parents/Guardians are encouraged
to supervise internet sessions at the library. Parents who believe that their children cannot
responsibly use the Library’s internet access should monitor their children’s internet use.
The Library reserves the right to terminate an internet session that disrupts library services or
violates the Library’s patron behavior policy.
Library staff may provide assistance to patrons in the use of electronic information networks as
time and staff knowledge permit. More in depth instruction may available by scheduling time
with a librarian in advance or attending a program.
Library staff may help patrons identify starting points and sites for searches appropriate to the
Library’s mission and reference service roles. Users are encouraged to evaluate the validity and
reliability of sources of information accessed on the internet. Library staff may assist patrons
about making judgements about the credibility of types of sources of information, but the
responsibility ultimately rests upon the patron to determine the worthiness of a source of internet
In keeping with the policies of Sallie Logan Public Library, and consistent with state and federal
laws, the library protects users’ rights to privacy and the confidentiality of their library records.
As much as possible, the library avoids collecting or maintaining records that could compromise
the privacy of users. However, patrons should be advised that electronic communication by its
very nature may not be secure. The library does not guarantee the privacy or security of any
online transaction. Additionally, computers are located in a public, open space and users should
exercise caution when using the internet to avoid unauthorized disclosure of personal
Use of the Library’s computers and internet network is at the sole risk and discretion of the user.
The user, and not the library, is responsible for any damage to the user’s own computers,
devices, or equipment while connected to the Library’s wired or wireless networks or connected
to any of the Library’s equipment.
In using a public computer, an individual must be aware that the security of information or
transactions while using library equipment or networks is not guaranteed. Internet users are
responsible for the websites they access and use the internet at their own risk. The Library does
not guarantee the privacy of internet sessions. Sallie Logan Public Library is not responsible for
the content, quality, or accuracy of information obtained from the internet or library computers.
Sallie Logan Public Library is not liable for injury or damages, indirect or direct, arising from a
library patron’s use of internet information resources. Users shall hold the Library harmless and
indemnified for any claims, causes of action, judgments, attorney’s fees, and court costs arising
out of the user’s use of the Library’s computer equipment and internet networks.

Adopted 2/5/98
Revised 2/6/03
Revised 1/6/05
Revised 7/2/09
Revised 11/5/15
Revised 6/7/18
Revised 9/19/24

Sallie Logan Public Library Board of Trustees


Loan Policies and Fines

Loan Periods

Most items are checked out for three weeks.   Exceptions are books on reserve for another patron and books borrowed from libraries other than Sallie Logan Public Library. Videos, DVDs, and Blu-rays, are checked out for seven days with 1 renewal allowed. Some multi-disk sets or TV series are checked out for two weeks with 1 renewal allowed.


Most items may be renewed twice with the exception of videos, DVDs, and Blu-rays.  Renewals are also not permitted if the item is on hold for another patron.  Materials from libraries other than Sallie Logan Public Library may have different renewal limits and time periods.  Overdue notices are mailed once the item has been overdue seven days.  A postage fee ($1) is assessed for each notice sent.  If the items reverts to “lost” a processing fee is assessed.

Patrons may receive first notices by email by supplying the library with an email address.  If you change your email address remember to inform the library.

Loan limits

A limit of fifty items may be checked out per card. DVDs, and Blu-rays are limited to four per family.  The library reserves the right to limit the number of items checked out per card per subject.


Overdue fines are fifteen cents per day per item with the exception of videos, DVDs, and Blu-rays  which are one dollar per day per item.  Borrowing privileges are suspended when fines reach $1.  Borrowing privileges are suspended for all card holders at the same address when any card has an excess of $1.  Library cards will not be issued if anyone at the address owes in excess of $1.

Lost Items

Items not returned to the Sallie Logan Public Library are declared “lost” when they are 28 days overdue.  When an item is declared lost a $5 processing fee is assessed in addition to fines accrued.  Fines accrue to a maximum of $5 per item with the exception of videos, DVDs and Blu-rays that have no limit.

Lost items are billed at the current replacement cost plus a $5 processing fee and all accumulated fines.  If the item is no longer available, the cost is a figure based on the average price of such an item, as listed in a credible library source such as Bowker Annual, so that the library may obtain another title of a similar nature.

Damaged Items

Patrons are responsible for all materials checked out and are liable for any damage that may occur to library materials whether they are owned by Sallie Logan Public Library or any other library.  If the Library Director judges material to be damaged and unsuitable for the collection, full replacement cost and a $5 processing fee will be charged.  Patrons will be sent a bill notifying them of the amount owed the library.  Damaged items will be held for 30 days after notification.  After 30 days the item will be discarded.


Meeting Room Policies


The Sallie Logan Public Library has a meeting room with seating for 20 with 4 tables. The primary purpose of this Meeting Room is in support of Library functions, meetings, and programs. The Board of Library Trustees supports and encourages community use of the Library by offering the Library Meeting Room for public use by organizations engaged in educational, cultural, civic, intellectual, and charitable activities but not for social or religious gatherings, fundraisers, political or commercial purposes. Meetings or programs which in the opinion of the Library Director are inappropriate to a library because of noise or other factors will not be permitted. Meetings or programs sponsored by the Library or the Friends of Sallie Public Library will be given priority in the scheduling of the Meeting Room, after which, other requests will be considered by the Director in the order in which they are received. The Library reserves the right to revise any meeting arrangements scheduled if necessary and to preempt established reservations upon reasonable notification to the organization. Use of the Meeting Room does not constitute the Library's endorsement of viewpoints expressed by participants in the program.


Reservations for room use are arranged through the Library Director. A member of the organization must complete and sign a Request for Use of Meeting Room form before the meeting.

An application to use the room may not be made more than 12 months in advance.

The Meeting Room is available for use during the regular Library hours. Meetings may not begin until half an hour after the Library opens and must conclude no later than half an hour before closing.

Click HERE to download a printable copy of this policy and an application in Word format for use of the Meeting Room.

Click HERE for a printable PDF copy.

Click HERE to fill out the online form.

Rules and Terms

  1.  Any damages to the premises or Library furnishings as a result of the meeting will be paid by the group.
  2. Food, drink, smoking, alcoholic beverages or other stimulants are not allowed.
  3. The Library is not responsible for arranging chairs, tables or equipment for meetings. Groups using the Meeting Room are responsible for returning the furnishings to their previous arrangement.
  4. Admission fees or collections are prohibited at meetings held in Library facilities. The only exceptions are in the case of paid registrations which are necessary to cover expenses for workshops or institutes or a fee to cover the actual cost of a Library-sponsored program.
  5. No signs, posters, or announcements may be placed anywhere in the building or on the grounds without the express permission of the Library Director. Nothing shall be attached to the walls in any manner.
  6. The Meeting Room must be cleaned of all litter and left as it was found at the end of the meeting.
  7. The Library Director or designee is authorized to terminate the meeting of any group or organization that becomes disorderly or objectionable and to deny any subsequent use of the room to groups that violate policies and regulations.
  8. In the event of a Library building emergency or a weather-related emergency, meetings may be canceled.
  9. A projection screen is available in the Meeting Room but the Library will provide no other audiovisual equipment for use during the program.
  10. Items may not be removed from the Meeting Room.
  11. The organization agrees to indemnify and hold the Library harmless from any suits, damages, losses, and expenses in any manner resulting or arising out of the organization's use of the room.
  12. Individuals/groups using the Library Meeting Room may not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, national origin, religious belief or handicap, against any person requesting admission to the meeting.
  13. The Library does not provide storage space for property or supplies of groups using the Meeting Room and assumes no responsibility for private property brought into the building.
  14. All meetings must conform to the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
  15. Any group using the Meeting Room must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and are responsible for providing qualified interpreters or auxiliary aids upon request.

Donations for use of the Meeting Room are greatly appreciated.

This statement of policy is subject to amendment at any time by the Sallie Logan Public Library Board of Trustees.


Approved 1/18/15


Collection Development Policies

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Sallie Logan Public Library is to provide all people of the community recreational, educational, and informational materials in convenient forms.  The Sallie Logan Public Library seeks to accomplish its mission through prudent management and development of its resources.  The Sallie Logan Public Library will cooperate with other libraries, and educational, cultural, community, and governmental agencies and institutions. The Sallie Logan Public Library is committed to the ALA Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statements. 

Purpose and Philosophy of Collection Development Policy

The purpose of the collection development policy is to create a comprehensive guide for the selector(s) to select and deselect materials as needed. The collection is created to serve all members of the community alongside anyone who enters the library regardless of cardholder status. The library will hold a variety of educational and entertainment resources in a variety of format types to meet the needs of people with different interests and abilities limited only by community needs and funding. In accordance with the recommendations of Serving Our Public Libraries, the Sallie Logan Public Library will allocate at least 12% of its operating budget on materials for patrons every year.

The library recognizes that the needs of the community are of primary importance in selection. Each patron of the library will have opportunity to request materials they would like to see added to the collection.

Sallie Logan Public Library will make an effort to include reliable information representing all sides of controversial issues as such material becomes available. The library adheres to the ALA’s Freedom to Read Statement and Freedom to View Statement. Controversial materials have no distinguishing labels and are shelved in the general collection. Responsibility for the reading choices of children rests with their legal guardian(s). If a patron suspects a material is being labeled or shelved in a way that may constitute censorship, they are asked to bring the title’s attention to the Library Director.

An open shelf policy will be followed at all times with the exception of special collections (labelled SPC). As many materials as possible will be made to circulate, however, fragile materials, special collections, and reference materials may not be checked out without special approval from the Library Director. Alternatives to access, such as making copies of small passages, will be considered in circumstances where materials are needed outside of the library.

Scope of the Collection (Types of Materials Collected)

We are committed to providing a diverse collection of quality materials for people at different reading levels and with different abilities. We will consider accommodations for people with disability when selecting circulating items and online resource collections. Materials acquired will include print books for people of all ages, audio books, periodicals, newspapers, large print fiction materials, and audiovisual resources. 

The collection includes materials of contemporary significance or permanent value. We will collect material in the topics of education, civic engagement, social issues, literature, and topics of interest. Topics of special interest to the community include topics of local history, genealogy, local authors in print, mysteries, bestsellers, and westerns.


Criteria for Selection

The general criteria considered in selecting materials include: 1) demand by patrons; 2) qualifications of author or producer; 3) significance and value to the existing collection; 4) suitability of subject and style for the intended audience; 5) quality of format; 6) currency or timeliness, if applicable; 7) price in relation to demand; 8) reviews from selection tools and attention given to the item by reviewers and general news media; 9) availability of similar materials within the current collection; 10) availability of the same material within the consortium. No work shall be excluded because of specific passages or pieces taken out of context.

Principal Selector

Overall responsibility for collection development rests with the Library Director who operates within the framework of policies approved by the Board of Library Trustees. The Children’s Librarian is the primary selector for materials in the children and young adult sections and recommends materials for purchase in these sections. The Library Director reviews recommendations for materials from staff and patrons and makes the final purchasing decision.

Selection Tools

It is impossible for librarians to read and review all items being considered for purchase, so the Library Director will rely on selection aids to help make purchasing decisions. Librarians regularly depend on the reviews found in standard sources. Selection tools used by the library include Library Journal, NYT bestseller lists, Booklist, BookPage, Kirkus reviews, YALSA, the “Notable Book” lists chosen by the American Library Association, and Pulitzer Prize winners. An item not present in selection aids can still be considered for purchasing.

Patron Recommendations

As referenced above, the library recognizes the needs of the community as important to selection. Each patron of the library will have opportunity to recommend materials they would like to see added to the collection. Access to these opportunities will be made available both online and in person, year round.


Collection Analysis

Philosophy of collection analysis

Collection analysis allows the library to assess if the collection is meeting the collection development goals. It keeps the library collection vital and useful by identifying gaps in the collection and spots that need to be more heavily focused on during deselection. Collection analysis occurs on an annual basis in each section. During collection analysis, responsible party will use a variety of quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques to determine if goals are being met and which areas need greater or less focus. Analysis techniques for this section include using section size standards and formulas, content overlap studies, circulation statistics, direct collection checking, collection mapping, and brief tests of collection strength (Johnson, 2014, p. 302).

Responsibility for Collection Analysis

The responsibility for collection management belongs to the Library Director. The responsible party for collection management for the children’s and young adult sections belongs to the Children’s Librarian. The Children’s Librarian is to report to and work with the Library Director in the identification of gaps in the collection and determining short and long term changes in collection development strategies for areas in need. The Library Director will be responsible for creating general outlines of focus sections for the entire collection, and this will change every year.

Deselection of materials

Philosophy of Deselection of Materials

Deselection of certain materials gives room for new materials and is necessary to keep an up-to-date, appealing collection. Deselection should be done on a continuous basis in conjunction with the findings of collection analysis and development goals. The Sallie Logan Public Library follows the CREW method (Continuous Review, Evaluation, and Weeding).This document gives direction to the responsible party to choose which materials should be deselected.

Responsibility for Deselection of Materials

The responsibility for deselection belongs to the Library Director. The Children’s Librarian also maintains a responsibility to deselect materials for the children’s section. Other employees are not allowed to discard materials. Staff may suggest a book for deselection or replacement, but are only allowed to remove materials with permission of the Director.

Criteria for Deselection of Materials

The library follows the CREW method for deselection. Continuous Review is performed by all staff as books are checked in and shelved. Evaluation is done as needed. When an item needs to be weeded, it is brought to the director for approval.

On a yearly basis, the Library Director and the Children’s Librarian will do a large weeding which will follow the collection analysis and will take into consideration the changing collection goals.

The criteria for weeding most commonly followed is summed up by the acronym MUSTIE. Misleading – factually incorrect

Ugly- worn beyond the ability to repair

Superseded- new edition acquired or content is better covered in a different book on the subject

Trivial- of no discernible literary or scientific merit

Irrelevant to the needs and interests of the library’s community

Elsewhere- material is easily obtainable from another library.

To aid in selecting materials for deselection, several reports will be run. This includes reports on materials that haven’t circulated in x number of years, were acquired before y date, and lifetime circulation. Each section and type of material may have different criteria to determine what ends up on a list for review. The Library Director is responsible for choosing appropriate parameters for quantitative reports. These reports alongside the collection analysis notes will give the librarian an idea of which areas to review further. 

Each book on any of the reported lists will be reviewed to determine whether it still meets the collection’s goals or is ready to be repaired, replaced, displayed, or discarded. No item will be discarded on the basis of any one of the qualitative reports. Materials that end up on any of these reports and is still intended to be kept should not be checked in and out by staff to exclude on later circulation statistics. This keeps the statistics accurate for later analyses.

Final choices will be made on a mixture of MUSTIE criteria, statistical reports, collection development goals, and librarian judgment.

Requests for Reconsideration

As part of our mission, Sallie Logan Public Library will not censor materials. All individuals have the right to choose which library materials they will use. No one has the right to restrict the freedom of others to read or view whatever they wish. 

If patrons wish to have a material reconsidered, they may fill out the form in Appendix A. This form stays on file with the Library Director. They will review the complaint and the material to determine whether the item should remain in circulation or be removed from the collection. Materials will stay on the shelves while a request for reconsideration is being reviewed. An individual or organization may only have 5 requests for reconsideration open at a time. The Library Board will be informed of the complaint and review the Director’s decision. The Library Director will write a letter to the patron who initiated the complaint, outlining these procedures and announcing the decision of the material in question. The letter may also include a statement inviting the patron to the library to discuss the matter. After an interview with the Library Director, a patron desiring further action can make a request in writing for a hearing before the Board of Library Trustees, who has final authority. After a request for reconsideration has been reviewed and decided, the decision will remain in place for two years. 


The library appreciates the gifts of community members. Typically, the library will take monetary donations and donations in the form of books. Books donated to the library will be affixed with a book plate thanking the donor if the item is chosen to go into the collection. For items not suited for the collection, the books will be put into the library’s book sale or recycled on the basis of space and condition of the items. For special donation requests such as electronics, please talk to the Library Director before bringing the material to the library.

Revision of Collection Development Policy

The needs of the community are expected to change in time. Since the library serves the needs of its changing patronage, this Collection Development Policy will be revised as needed and reviewed at least every two years.


Approved by the Sallie Logan Public Library Board 6/13/2024

Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials



Reference Policy

The Sallie Logan Public Library provides reference assistance and materials to all people regardless of the
race, creed, national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression,
physical appearance, physical or mental ability, socioeconomic level, educational level, and any other
legally protected characteristics of the person.

Reference services are provided during all hours that the library is open and is provided in response to all
forms of inquiry including but not limited to patrons in the library, telephone, and email. Library staff is
trained to provide accurate answers and relies upon information sources of demonstrated currency and
authority. This training includes reader’s advisory services, continuing education events, and reference
interviewing techniques. Names of patrons and transactions which occur between patrons and staff are
confidential and not discussed outside of a professional context.

The reference questions of patrons visiting the library will be given the highest priority, followed by
telephone calls. Whenever possible, answers will be provided during the patron’s visit or telephone call.
When other patrons are waiting, staff may have to limit the initial amount of time spent serving an
individual patron but follow up attention will be given.

In the instance of legal, medical, investment, or tax reference questions, the staff may only guide the
patron to the material available in the library on the topic of interest. However, patrons are responsible for
doing their own research. Library staff may not evaluate or interpret the information provided or define
the meaning of terms or serve as a surrogate for a professional in any of the fields listed below. If the
materials in the library are beyond the understanding of the patron, the patron will be advised to consult
with a professional in the field of inquiry (i.e., attorney, physician, and accountant).

When offering help with technology, staff will offer basic help on devices and software applications, but
are not responsible for any changes made to the devices.

Reference materials regardless of format may not be removed from the library.

Adopted by the board September 3, 2009. Revised July 11, 2024.



I. A brief description of our public body is as follows:
A. Sallie Logan Public Library is a community and social center that welcomes and supports
all people in their freedom to read, learn, and discover. The library listens, understands,
and transforms patron needs into library services and programs.
B. An organizational chart is attached.
C. The total amount of our operating budget for FY24 is $374,041.
Funding sources are property and personal property replacement taxes, state and
federal grants, fines, charges, and donations. Tax levies are:
1. Corporate purposes (for general operating expenditures)
2. IMRF (provides for employee’s retirement and related expenses) and Social Security
(provides for employee’s FICA costs and related expenses)
3. Tort, liability (for insurance premiums, risk management, attorney’s fees & related
expenses, unemployment and worker’s compensation insurance)
4. Maintenance (for building maintenance)
D. The office is located at this address: 1808 Walnut Street, Murphysboro, IL 62966
E. We have approximately the following number of persons employed:
1. Full-time 3
2. Part-time 4
F. The following organization exercises control over our policies and procedures: The Sallie
Public Library Board of Library Trustees, which meets monthly on the 2
nd Thursday of
each month, 6 p.m., at the library.
Its members are: Sara Faye Marten, President; Heather Parr, Vice President; Sharon Fry,
Secretary; Corey Williams, Tamarra Williams, Jeanne Goforth, Madeline Steimle

G. We are required to report and be answerable for our operations to:
Illinois State Library, Springfield, Illinois. Its members are: State Librarian, Alexi
Giannoulias (Secretary of State); Director of the State Library, Greg McCormick; and
various other staff.
II. You may request the information and the records available to the public in the following
A. Requests to inspect Library records shall be submitted in writing. You may submit
written requests by mail, email, or in person.
B. Your request should be directed to the following individuals:
Zachery Huskey and Sharon Fry, FOIA officers.
Sallie Logan Public Library
1808 Walnut St.
Murphyboro, IL 62966
C. Requests for records must be as specific as possible to avoid inefficient use of staff
time in retrieving and preparing records for inspection.
D. You must indicate whether you have a “commercial purpose” in your request.
E. Inspection shall not be allowed when records are in immediate use by persons
exercising official duties that require use of the records.
F. To reimburse us our actual costs for reproducing the records, you may be charged
the following fees:
There is no charge (for non-commercial purposes) for the first fifty (50) pages of
black and white text either letter or legal size;
There is a $.15 per page charge for copied records in excess of 50 pages;
The actual copying cost of color copies and other sized copies will be charged.
G. If the records are kept in electronic format, you may request a specific format and if
feasible, they will be so provided, but if not, they will be provided either in the
electronic format in which they are kept (and you would be required to pay the
actual cost of the medium only, i.e. disc, diskette, tape, etc.) or in paper as you
H. The office will respond to a written request within five (5) working days or sooner if
possible. An extension of an additional five (5) working days may be necessary to
properly respond.
I. Records may be inspected in person, in the presence of the library administrator or
designee, or copied.
J. The place and times where the records will be available are as follows:
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sallie Logan Public Library, Administrative Offices
III. Certain types of information maintained by us are exempt from inspection and copying.
However, the following types or categories of records are maintained under our control:
A. Monthly Financial Statements
B. Operating Budgets
C. Annual Audits
D. Minutes of the Board of Library Trustees
E. Library Policies, including Materials Selection
F. Annual Reports to the Illinois State Library

Sallie Logan Public Library Organizational Chart


Contact Us

ADRESS: 1808 Walnut St., Murphysboro, IL 62966
PHONE: 618-684-3271
FAX: 618-684-2392